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  We help companies make the breakthroughs that change peoples’ lives.

Numerous studies have shown that when R&D organizations leverage external knowledge partners, they develop more impactful products. However, sourcing and working with external partners can be time-consuming, costly and weigh heavily on internal resources.

  • "Firms that increasingly rely on external R&D activities have a better innovative performance" - Berchicci (2013) Research Policy, 42(1); 117-127

  • “Organizations face constraints in terms of the money, time and psychological resources necessary for discovering, creating and maintaining knowledge sources” - Dikova D (2015) Schmalenbach Business Review, 67; 349–367

Since its foundation in 2017, Biochromex has developed a service that complements and extends the reach of internal resources, delivering unique insights that lead to impactful innovation. All this while cutting time and costs in R&D. Our team of world class PhD and MBA-qualified experts have saved 100s of hours in time-consuming research and taken months off project timelines for our clients, while helping them to develop breakthrough products.

PhD-qualified life scientists

Our team of life science consultants is comprised of PhD-qualified scientists from top-tier institutions who bring global expertise to a client base spanning four continents. Our consultants have been trained by world renowned researchers at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Berkley—to name a few—and our team members’ specialize in fields spanning neuroscience, chemistry, oncology, molecular biology and more.


Your trusted partner in R&D

Innovation that drives growth

Our priority is to drive our client’s growth and product development by providing valuable, clear and evidence-based solutions in an efficient manner.

Reducing the burden on internal resources

Our service is designed to deliver all the advantages of working with external knowledge partners, while reducing the burden of sourcing, managing and internalizing expertise.

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